Open Vista, Admin The problem of ransomware Ransomware is everywhere, affecting organisations of all sizes and in all sectors. More and more businesses are falling victim to cyber-attacks, which can happen in the blink of an eye, at the click o... Dec 22, 2023 0 1132
Open Vista, Admin Simplify hardware refreshment! The problem Businesses depend on their IT equipment to keep their operations running smoothly. That may be obvious, but it's no less true. So you need to do everything you can to keep your hardware in good condit... Dec 22, 2023 0 1201
Open Vista, Admin Secure remote working The problem Security is not an option when it comes to remote working. Especially for small and medium-sized businesses with sensitive data to protect. The ability to work remotely is essential to the operation o... Dec 22, 2023 0 1177
Open Vista, Admin Collaboration within the project The problem Collaboration on 3D CAD models is crucial to the completion of projects in many industries. These include architecture, engineering and construction (AEC), manufacturing and life sciences. However, ge... Dec 22, 2023 0 1147
Open Vista, Admin Zero-trust security The problem Zero confidence is the wave of the future when it comes to network security. What's keeping you in the past? As well as being a single point of failure, servers aren't designed to meet the security ex... Dec 22, 2023 0 1102
Open Vista, Admin High-performance computing Supporting CPU-intensive High Performance Computing (HPC) applications and GPU workstations is a daunting task. This is particularly true for product design organisations in the AEC and manufacturing ... Dec 22, 2023 0 1097
Open Vista, Admin Business case for Azure Virtual Desktop Azure Virtual Desktop (AVD) is an advanced solution that lets you connect to a remote virtual desktop wherever you are. AVD is the industry standard for virtual desktops, and Microsoft Azure and 365 p... Dec 22, 2023 0 1154
Open Vista, Admin What is Amazon Web Services? Amazon Web Services is a well-known cloud services provider. It provides on-demand services such as computing, storage, networking, security and databases. They are accessible worldwide via the intern... Dec 22, 2023 0 1148
Open Vista, Admin Small businesses in the energy and utilities sector with Google Cloud Introduction: Small businesses need help to improve their operations and use technology to stay competitive in the volatile energy and utilities sector. This case study looks at how a small business i... Dec 22, 2023 0 1216